Thursday, September 8, 2011

What's Going On? September 2011


Cuba,have you been waiting for the door to open?

Well, it just did!
Trans World Radio on 800 AM will soon begin broadcasting La Voz Alegre, The Happy Voice
Sunday Nights: 9:00 - 10:00

Our Cuban brothers have requested this project, worked to train ministers to do the follow-up, and had great results from our previous AM radio broadcast, with 345 baptisms.

Watch the video: Cuba, they asked, we listened!

Here are a few reactions to the video about the progress in Cuba:

My dear sister in Christ held her face in her hands and cried with joy at seeing her family in Cuba sharing their faith.

"I remember when we couldn't meet freely in groups. I remember when we couldn't travel and visit places in Cuba. I remember when my father was taken away for having meetings like the ones I saw in the video." recounted one sister.

Others smiled with joy, knowing the tides of change are rippling across their
beloved homeland for Christ.

Watch the video by clicking on the link below:

Pray for Results!

Getting to know Christ through understanding the Gospel is our goal. May the
P.O. Box in Cuba, once again, be overflowing with requests for Bible studies to
answer people's spiritual questions.

Fund raising is needed for this project. I have been on the road sharing this
opportunity for Cuba and asking for the funds required to pay for it. In the last month I have spoken at eight different churches and events to increase awareness of the need for this project... NOW. If you would like me to speak at your congregation about this great opportunity, please let me know!

To financially help broadcast the gospel via Trans World Radio please mail your donations to:
Christian Productions International
P.O. Box 327706
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33332
For more information, contact Rex Morgan at:

530 Plus People Celebrated Christ at the Latin-American National Preachers and Leaders Meeting

Sharing Christ through media is an exciting way to bring people to an understanding of the love of Christ. Seeing, hearing, experiencing the Good News of Christ through the many media venues is the future. At the conference many people came by and spoke to me about how they are using our evangelistic media tools to reach their friends and neighbors for Christ.

-Fernando from Arkansas says, "We use the DVDs for our visitor's class, home Bible studies, and for studies with recent converts."

-Consuelo from Texas says,"For me I will share the video lessons with the ladies Bible study that our church has on Saturdays."

-Juan Carlos from Columbia says, "The programs are used as a Bible study with people who have just started their life in Christ, people who haven't committed themselves to a church family yet."

Rex with Voces singing group

-Francisco from New Jersey says, "We will use the DVDs in classes to teach the church how to grow personally, and also how to grow as a congregation."

Radio • Good News • Television Christ’s Message Meeting the Masses

Television Broadcasting:
20 Countries and across the United States
Con La Biblia Abierta / With the Open Bible

Family Christian Network: Fridays 8:00 PM CT

Dish Network 9413: Mondays 9:00 PM EST
La Familia Cosmovision: Thursdays 9:30 PM PT
Mega TV 22 South Florida: Friday 12:00 Midnight EST

Radio Broadcasting:

La Voz Alegre, The Happy Voice is broadcasting to USA, Cuba and the Americas:
Monday night at 6:00-7:00 PM EST
WINB 9.265 kHz shortwave broadcast.
Streaming On-line: Invite your friends to listen!
Wednesday afternoon 5:00-6:00 PM EST WWCR:7.465 MHz shortwave broadcast.

Future,Starting October 2011, La Voz Alegre, The Happy Voice
on Trans World Radio 800 AM every Sunday night 9:00-10:00 PM EST reaching all of:
* Cuba
* Dominican Republic
* Puerto Rico
* Caracas Venezuela.

KNLS World Christian Broadcasting begins transmitting from Madagascar,covering Latin America in 2012, Lord willing!

People are seeking the saving message of Christ.
2011: Over 4,483 souls have already responded
2010: Over 4,315 people responded to our media outreach.
The requests for prayers and Bible studies continue to pour in. Please pray that the loving message of Christ will reach souls and transform their lives.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7
Our dream is to make the saving message of Jesus available to all who seek Him. We are working to accomplish this through the use of the media and partnerships with local churches of Christ and their ministries.