Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What's Going On? August 2011

Cuba, the Caribbean, and Venezuela

Your Help is Needed for a New Opportunity to Share Christ

Sitting on top of the Morro Castle in Havana one evening, I thought about the many Christian ministers and believers who had been held as prisoners in the Castle during the last 50 years, some I know personally. During their long incarceration these heroes of the faith endured physical, mental and emotional suffering, and separation from their families for the name of Jesus Christ, right here in this place.

Then at 9:00 PM, "BOOM!" The antique cannon was fired from the top of the Castle over the harbor sending a message that it was 9:00 PM in Havana. I thought of the power of God's message, how it can explode into the hearts of people changing their lives forever. What will it take to enter every home in Cuba with the message of the Gospel of Jesus?

People everywhere in Cuba, from the cities to the mountainside cabins, would tell me about their desire to share Christ with their friends and family. What topics and messages did they believe we should broadcast to help them do this? Yes, spiritual and practical messages of hope and sound advice for improving their daily lives, such as:

· Spiritual messages
. Educational advice
· Health tips
· Family counseling
· Financial advice
· Wholesome and uplifting music
· Programs with non-political content

Today, a new opportunity has arisen for Cuba, the whole Caribbean, and Venezuela.

27 Million People Will Hear the Gospel

Trans World Radio or Radio Trans Mundial, as they are known in Latin America, is considering offering us a time-slot to broadcast into Cuba with a strong AM signal from the country of Bonaire. The 100,000 watt radio station broadcasts on 800 AM and reaches all of Cuba, the Caribbean, and Venezuela. Also, in the near future, this station will expand to be a 500,000 watt radio station.

Reaching more than 27,000,000 people, the broadcast cost is only: $392.00 weekly

Why Trans World Radio, TWR?

•The reception of TWR covers all of Cuba, the Caribbean, and Venezuela with a strong AM signal.
•Moe than 27 million people will hear the Good News of Christ
•Shortwave radios are no longer made available for purchase in Cuba because of political reasons.
•We have been assured by the evangelists in Cuba that there will be successful results from broadcasting on Trans World Radio.
Please pray for God’s blessings on this effort.

Invest in the future of the Cuba

52 contributions of $392.00 will share the gospel to Cuba, and beyond, for one year!

To financially help broadcast the gospel via Trans World Radio
please mail your donations to:
Christian Productions International
P.O. Box 327706
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33332
For more information, contact Rex Morgan at: clbabierta@aol.com

One of our brothers in Matanzas, Cuba, who has worked hard for the past 16 years to bring hope to his community, has advised us:

"If you want to make a difference in the lives of the Cuban people through radio broadcasting, find a way to do it through Trans World Radio now on 800 AM. Now is the time!"

Locations in Cuba where current Radio Trans Mundial programming is generating listener response and feedback.

Other News:

Sets of DVDs were shared with several churches.
Over 600 Christians gathered at the Conferencias Biblicas del Golfo held in Houston, TX. I was encouraged by their enthusiastic support for the update on Cuba and the activities of our Cuban brothers and sisters.

Radio • Good News • Television
Christ’s Message Meeting the Masses

Website: http://www.theopenbible.com

Television Broadcasting:
20 Countries and across the United States

Con La Biblia Abierta / With the Open Bible

Family Christian Network: Thursdays 8:00 PM CT

Dish Network 9413: Mondays 9:00 PM EST
La Familia Cosmovision: Thursdays 9:30 PM PT
Mega TV 22 South Florida: Friday 12:00 Midnight EST

Radio Broadcasting:
Monday night at 6:00-7:00 PM EST
La Voz Alegre, The Happy Voice is broadcasting to USA, Cuba and the
Americas from Red Lion, PA WINB 9.265 kHz shortwave.
Streaming On-line: www.winb.com Invite your friends to listen!
Future, in 2012:
KNLS World Christian Broadcasting begins transmitting from Madagascar, covering Latin America!

People are seeking the saving message of Christ.
2011: 3,878 souls have already responded
2010: Over 4,315 people responded to our media outreach.
The requests for prayers and Bible studies continue to pour in.
Please pray that the loving message of Christ will reach souls and transform
their lives.

Their voice has gone out into all the earth, their words
to the ends of the world.
Romans 10: 18
Our dream is to make the saving message of Jesus available to all who seek Him. We are working to accomplish this through the use of the media and partnerships with local churches of Christ and their ministries.