Why do they want to be trained to share Christ on the radio and Internet?
Sharing Christ! That is the reason many gathered again this month to continue their training in script development, the process of presenting a clear message, and radio production techniques.
¡Me encanta compartir la palabra de Dios!
I love sharing the word of God!
Tengo interes en temas como crear jovenes seguros de si mismo.
I have an interest in themes about how to encourage teens to have strong self-esteem.
– Teresa
Quiero tener la oportunidad de usar este medio para hablar de mi Jesus y mi creador.
I want to have the opportunity to use this tool to tell about my Jesus and my creator.
“Aprendiendo a Vivir”, quiero ayudar la mujer abusada a conocer el mensaje de Dios.
“Learning to Live”, I want to help women who are abused to understand the message of God.
– Esmeralda
Quiero compartir la palabra de Dios atravez de la radio y TV a personas de habla hispana.
I want to share the word of God through radio and TV with Spanish-speaking people.
Tengo interes en temas de crecimiento espiritual, enfocados a la mujer espiritualmente.
I have an interest in sharing ideas about spiritual growth, focusing on the spirituality of women.
– Maribel
Prison, what possilbilities do people have there?
Thanks to the efforts of Gary Wyder, a long-time prison minister in Florida, an
opportunity may be opening up. DVD sets of the television program Con La Biblia Abierta and radio program La Voz Alegre will be placed in the prison libraries. These evangelistic programs will be available for inmates to check-out and, hopefully, find Christ.
Radio • Good News • Television - Christ’s Message Meeting the Masses
23 Countries and across the United States
Con La Biblia Abierta / With the Open Bible
Enlace: Thursdays 3:30 PM CT
USA: Dish Network 9413: Mondays 9:00 PM EST
Mega TV 22 South Florida: Friday 12:00 Midnight EST
Monday night at 9:00-10:00 PM EST
La Voz Alegre, The Happy Voice is broadcasting to Cuba and the Americas from
Radio Miami International, WRMI 9.955 kHz shortwave.
Streaming On-line:
Monday night at 6:00-7:00 PM EST
La Voz Alegre, The Happy Voice is broadcasting to USA, Cuba and the
Americas from Red Lion, PA WINB 9.265 kHz shortwave.
Streaming On-line: Invite your friends to listen!
Future, in 2012:
KNLS World Christian Broadcasting begins transmitting from Madagascar, covering Latin America!
People are seeking the saving message of Christ.I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me,
2011 Update: 2,036 souls have already responded
2010: Over 4,315 people responded to our media outreach.
The requests for prayers and Bible studies continue to pour in.
Please pray that the loving message of Christ will reach souls and transform
their lives.
I was in prison and you came to me.
Matthew 25:36