How are you sharing Christ? Let's see...
It’s a warm Saturday afternoon in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. What activities
could you do to relax after a week of work in South Florida? Go to the beach,
a park, or a Christian radio seminar?

In Santo Domingo, Franklin has an Internet radio program Compartiendo la Verdad. He believes the need is growing to reach out through media. His dream is to establish a Christian radio station in the Dominican Republic.
Click on this photo to join us in our day...

This event was hosted by Mario and Iliana Motino serving at the Griffin Rd. congregation. We thank them for making us feel so welcome. In just a few months this couple has learned how to record their own radio program called Consejos de Vida, Advice for Life which is already on the air as part of our Monday night broadcast on WRMI and WINB.

How are you sharing Christ?
A cool Sunday afternoon at the park: kids kicking soccer balls, men throwing a football around, and Christians singing canciones and worshiping God. What,
singing in the park?
Taking the message of Jesus to the community! People were in the park that may never enter a church building. Their day might have started out with a soccer ball, football, or just a stroll in the park. But, as they saw a group of Christians worshiping under the trees, they became interested in what was going on, asked some questions, and some even joined in.

The curious looks and smiles on the neighbors faces as they shared food and chatted with the members of the Iglesia de Cristo in Pompano Beach, and a visiting youth group, was precious. This outreach event was organized by our radio partners, Carlos and Maribel Preciado.

They have been working at a church plant in Pompano, being guided by Jim Holway and the LAMP (Latin American Mission Project), which I am a member of the coordinating committee. What a joy to see the love of Christ shared.
How are you sharing Christ? You are sharing Christ through your partnership
and support of this ministry. You can be confident that you are sharing God's word, making it accessible to unbelievers.

In other exciting news: Phil Ware, creator of and minister for the Southern Hills Church of Christ in Abilene, Texas, has just given us
permission to record the daily devotionals he presents in Spanish and Portuguese. These can be found at We want to say thanks to him, and to all who work with us, for your spirit of unity in delivering the message of Christ to the world.
Radio • Good News • Television - Christ’s Message Meeting the Masses
23 Countries and across the United States
Con La Biblia Abierta / With the Open Bible
Enlace: Thursdays 3:30 PM CT
USA: Dish Network 9413: Mondays 9:00 PM EST
Mega TV 22 South Florida: Friday 12:00 Midnight EST
Monday night at 9:00-10:00 PM EST
La Voz Alegre, The Happy Voice is broadcasting to Cuba and the Americas from
Radio Miami International, WRMI 9.955 kHz shortwave.
Streaming On-line:
Monday night at 6:00-7:00 PM EST
La Voz Alegre, The Happy Voice is broadcasting to USA, Cuba and the
Americas from Red Lion, PA WINB 9.265 kHz shortwave.
Streaming On-line: Invite your friends to listen!
Future, in 2012:
KNLS World Christian Broadcasting begins transmitting from Madagascar, covering Latin America!
People are seeking the saving message of Christ.
2011 Update: 1,416 souls have already responded
2010: Over 4,315 people responded to our media outreach.
The requests for prayers and Bible studies continue to pour in.
Please pray that the loving message of Christ will reach souls and transform
their lives.
Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard
me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also
be qualified to teach others.
II Timothy 2:1-2