Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Luis Zepeda Mir from the Nogales Church of Christ in Santiago, Chile writes:
Greetings in the love or the Lord:
On Friday, March 6th Susana Rojas , an 87 year old grandmother was baptized. She is from the community of Conchali in Santiago.
Also on the 28th of February and March 1st four of us, Jorge Paredes Lelie Carreno, Yanina Vergara and I visited the church of Christ in Chillan which is located in the eighth region of our courntry. There were eleven of us that met.
We also were able to travel to the church of Christ in Curico in the seventh region. On this trip, one of our elders from Los Nogales, Luis Araya and his wife Edith, and me participated together. The church in Cuiro consits of two members and began just recently last year.
All of these activities are part of the project we call the “Vocational Training of Workers”. During this year we will travel throughout all of Chile sharing seminars. We ask for your prayers for these activities and that God will bless you in your ministries.
A Note from Rex Morgan:
Isn’t it great to hear how our brothers and sisters in Latin America are traveling from place to place teaching, baptizing and then giving ongoing training? I know personally that these brethren from the church of Christ in Los Nogales journey up and down the nation of Chile to follow-up on every interested contact. Take time to share their activities with your children’s Bible classes to inspire them. Show them how that Christians today are going on missionary journeys as they follow the great example of the apostle Paul and others in the first century.
You may also encourage Luis Zepeda Mir by having your class write him, or children at his congregation, a letter of encouragement at:
Antartica #4072 B - Población Los Nogales - Estación Central
08-6446310- 7786394 ó 09-9880490
Iglesia de Cristo de Población Los Nogales
Alpatacal #1883 - Estación Central
Santiago - Chile
Our dream is to make the saving message of Jesus available to all who seek Him. We are working to accomplish this through the use of the media and partnerships with local churches of Christ and their ministries.