Monday, March 9, 2009

The Indian Ocean and Latin America

An island set in the Indian Ocean 248 miles off the south east coast of Africa. It sounds romantic. But that’s not the reason the location is being used to communicate with those who speak the romance languages of Spanish and Portugues. So, what does the Indian Ocean have to do with reaching Latin America?

We will reach Latin America from our site in the Indian Ocean. This is definitely God doing, “exceedingly abundantly above all that we may ask or think”. But, when God opens the door, we reach out and place our hand in His, then walk through the door with Him. When World Christian Broadcasting invited me to be Sr. Producer for Latin America the question arose, how can we produce daily radio programs for shortwave and continue to stay on the air with our television programs?

The answer came by forming a partnering relationship between Christian Productions International (CPI) and World Christian Broadcasting (WCB). As a result, CPI’s television programs “With the Open Bible” continue on the air in 23 countries’ including our 50 states. We see the opportunity to cross a new frontier from the Indian Ocean with WCB on shortwave radio and the Internet as a God blessed opportunity. The BBC reports that 187,000 households in Latin America listen to shortwave radio. It is also a medium that cannot be blocked by boarders or governments.

Today four shortwave towers and station are being built on the site that will reach the Arabic speaking world, Africa, India, and Latin America. By faith, we plan to produce enough daily one hour radio programs to be on the air 365 days a year in Spanish and with the same goal in Portuguese.

Our Audience Defines Our Format

Our target audience is unbelievers who would never tune into purely religious broadcasting. Our main goal is to teach our listeners about Jesus and his saving message. We will strive to meet our listeners right where they are at in their needs. To do that we need to know where they are at culturally, socially, economically, their health issues, and most importantly their spiritual needs. With this in mind our program format is developing as a magazine of topics that will encourage success, keeping the listener tuned in, then, spiritual messages are woven throughout the hour. These messages will give them the opportunity to receive free Bible study materials.

A recent agreement with Health Talents International serves as an example of how we will utilize the talents we have in the church to develop this holistic media missions approach. Doctors and Nurse Practitioners working with HTI will write and record health tips that will be a regular part of our programming. Just as Jesus showed compassion toward the sick and their needs our expression of love and concern will be felt in the homes and hearts of our listeners. It is our hope that once they understand that we care about their physical and emotional issues, they will respond and get the help they need for their eternal souls.
Our dream is to make the saving message of Jesus available to all who seek Him. We are working to accomplish this through the use of the media and partnerships with local churches of Christ and their ministries.