Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What's Going On? August 2012

Reaching out to the Latin American World

Meet Maribel and Carlos Preciado!
Directors for the Spiritual Growth Workshop - Orlando, FL
Walking through the halls of the Rosen Hotel and  seeing the fellowship of Christian brothers and sisters hugging and greeting one another was delightful!

The 3 Amigos: Rex, Carlos Preciado, & Carlos Gonzalez

During the Spanish venue of the conference, the vibrant sound of over 300 people singing or watching a reenactment of the crucifixion of Christ could be experienced. Preachers from across the continent encouraged people to be proud of their faith in Christ and to reach out in love to their communities.  The theme of the workshop "Not Ashamed" was echoed in the classes and sermons.

30 years ago the first Spiritual Growth Workshop for the Churches of Christ, in Orlando, FL, was born.  The beginning years didn't include a Spanish program. The booming growth of Latino Christians in Florida gave birth to the first Spanish Program in 1990.  Since then, many wonderful Christ-filled people have enriched and encouraged the spirituality of the classes and fellowship.

This year Maribel and Carlos were officially chosen to direct and develop the future Spanish Spiritual Growth Workshop programs. Pray for them and for all the Christians who will assist them with this wonderful opportunity.

From Brenda and Rex, "Thank you everyone for making the 22 years as Director of the Spanish Program for the Spiritual Growth Workshop a success!"

Sharing Christ through his suffering.
Singing groups shared their songs. 

DVDs and CDs
La Voz Alegre and Con la Biblia Abierta: 80 or more CDs and DVD sets of Bible lessons were shared at the Spiritual Growth Workshop.

How are People Wanting to Use Them?
...I plan to use the DVDs with the migrant farm workers in my community.  I will
also use them with new members at my church. - Francisco
... I will use them to teach my family. - Myrna
... My church will use the various themes of the lessons in small groups, with
recent converts and for evangelism. - Jannacoelli

People Want to Use The DVDs and CDs with...
-women's ministry
- community outreach
- small and new congregational spiritual growth
- discipleship
- evangelism
- maturing in the faith

Radio • Good News • Television
Christ’s Message Meeting the Masses 

TV Broadcast on the air each week on the following networks:

The Family Christian Network, a Spanish Language network reaching all of Latin America every Friday night at 8:00 PM CT.

Dish Network: Alma Vision reaching all 50 of the United States
Mondays 9:00 PM EST

La Familia Cosmovision with 560 channels in the USA, 
Thursdays 9:30 PM PT

Mega TV 22 reaching all of South Florida, 
Friday 12:00 Midnight EST

Radio Broadcast La Voz Alegre (The Happy Voice) is broadcasting weekly on:

Trans World Radio 800 AM reaching Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, Sundays 8:00-9:00 PM ET

WINB shortwave is reaching all of Latin America, Monday night at 6:00-7:00 PM EST Streaming On-line:

WWCR shortwave is 6.875 MHz is reaching Cuba and Latin America from Nashville, TN,
Wednesday afternoon 5:00-6:00 PM EST

World Christian Broadcasting, preparing begin broadcasting 
La Voz Alegre daily in 2012.

But our citizenship is in heaven.  And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
Philippians 3:20 - 21
Our dream is to make the saving message of Jesus available to all who seek Him. We are working to accomplish this through the use of the media and partnerships with local churches of Christ and their ministries.