Sunday, December 1, 2013

What's Going On? December 2013

Reaching out to the Latin American World

A Picture Is Worth ... Maybe,
A Baby's Sight?

Sadie was born blind.  Her doctors in Guatemala told her mother, soon after her birth in 2012, that there was nothing they could do to help her to see.

But, that all changed for Sadie and her family on Sunday, November 4, 2013.  The family gathered with the estimated 4,000 for a great worship service in Guatemala City.  The large metal hangar of a building was packed with people from all over Guatemala and from the United States and other countries attending the 50th Pan American Lectureship.

“Can I take your picture?” I asked the friendly looking woman who had a child strung on her back.  Then Sadie’s grandma smiled and turned around for me take their picture.

Taking photos of people and capturing moments of spiritual fellowship is a part
of what I enjoy doing as we travel.
These pictures are used to share the activities God allows Christian Productions to be involved with.  For me, a picture has always been worth a thousand words, until now.  On this day it was worth much more!

The next thing I heard was a gentle voice in my ear saying, “Excuse me, I am the mother of that baby you just took a picture of, and that is my mother holding the baby.”  The young mother then gave me a desperate look and told me that her 17-month-old baby, Sadie, was blind.

“I heard there may be an eye doctor with your group attending the Pan American Lectureship.  Do you think he could help my baby?” she asked.

Yes, Dr. Allen Dutton, a missionary to Brazil and an eye doctor was attending the lectureship.  Right there and then, in the parking lot behind the family’s pick-up truck, he examined Sadie’s eyes as she lay in her grandmother’s arms. He opened one eye then the other.  Each time Sadie cried out when the light hit her eye.  Allen turned around and smiled at the gathering crowd of family, each of which had tears pouring down their face, as Allen told us that Sadie could see light.  Her cataract filled eyes prevented her from seeing and that these should be removed immediately.

Sadie’s mom shook her head and said the doctors had told her that nothing could be done for the baby in Guatemala.  We all circled our arms around each other and prayed for God to open up a way for Sadie to get the help she needed. We got the family’s contact information from Sadie’s uncle, said good-bye, then walked to the school buses that had brought us to the Sunday service.

Then, God answered our prayer for Sadie’s sight!

As we walked up Rick Harper, from Health Talents International, was getting on the bus.  When he heard Sadie’s story he smiled and told us that a group of eye surgeons were scheduled to arrive in Guatemala the first week in March!

Follow-up: Health Talents International has contacted Sadie’s family, and baby Sadie is scheduled to be examined, and given whatever help the surgeons can provide.
Let’s smile as we remember to pray for Sadie’s healing, her family’s encouragement, and that God’s name will be glorified through our fellowship.

This experience is a gift we can all cherish during this holiday season. Enjoy!

Celebrating the Lord on Sunday morning, the church in Guatamala City welcomed
the participants of the Pan American Lectureship. Around 4,000 gathered for
worship, and with great Guatemalan hospitality the all were feed lunch. Thank
you to our Guatemalan sisters and brother!

Several came asking for prayer and four requested baptism into Christ.

Hey, They Like It!
Website Update:

From Honduras to the United States the feedback has been positive.
"Wow, this is great I can use the site so easily to share the gospel of Christ!"

"Yeah, now I can introduce the gospel to someone who speaks Spanish."

From Sacramento, CA:
"Can I copy the DVD's you sent me last year to share with a friend? Yes, but now you can also take your friend to our website and share a lot more!"



Please Pray for our Radio Broadcast 

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La Voz Alegre is World Christian Broadcasting's Voice to Latin America in Partnership with Christian Productions International

Radio Broadcast Weekly Schedule:

Trans World Radio 800 AM reaching Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, 
Sundays 8:00-9:00 PM ET
La Voz Alegre also on

WINB shortwave is 9265 KHz (or 9.265 MHz) reaching all of Latin America, Monday night at 6:00-7:00 PM EST Streaming On-line:

WWCR shortwave is 6115 kHz (or 6.115 MHz) is reaching Cuba and Latin America from Nashville, TN,
Wednesday afternoon 5:00-6:00 PM EST

Thanks to everyone who works with us to send the radio broadcast to Latin Americans around the world.

 Florida National University

 World Radio

Our dream is to make the saving message of Jesus available to all who seek Him. We are working to accomplish this through the use of the media and partnerships with local churches of Christ and their ministries.