Friday, January 11, 2013

What's Going On? January 2013

      Jesus Welcomes Us Into a New Year of Service and Love

                        We are called to be fishers of men.

                   Your ongoing support and encouragement 
                        in 2013 are essential to this outreach.

Exciting plans for 2013 include:

* A new website is being developed to further our ability to syndicate our radio and 
television programs through the Internet broadcasting networks and
hand held devices. We will launch an initiative to offer our radio and
television programs to local churches to rebroadcast on their local station,
websites, or Internet radio station with their own local information. This will
be done through our new website. Increase our involvement with our listeners and
follow-up teams in Cuba.
* Also, have an active role in the Cuba Youth Conference to be held in
Matanzas, Cuba in July.
* Continue to increase radio production that will help us grow our radio
presence into a daily radio hour in Spanish and daily hour in Portuguese.
* Continue the training of talent for radio and television production.
* Launch our daily hour radio broadcast from Madagascar with World Christian
Broadcasting. Our prayer is that the station will be ready soon.
* Continue broadcasting Con La Biblia Abierta TV program on Dish Network:
Almavision reaching all 50 of the United States Mondays 9:00 PM EST. Viva Vida
TV Production Schedule for development, pilot, and production plans –Luis
Estrada: Producer and Host
* Continue broadcasting La Voz Alegre radio hour on: Trans World Radio’s 800
AM station reaching Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rica Sundays 9:00-10:00
* WINB shortwave is reaching all of Latin America, Monday night at 6:00-7:00
PM EST Streaming On-line:
* WWCR shortwave is reaching Cuba and Latin America from Nashville, TN,
Wednesday afternoon 5:00-6:00 PM EST

Our Goal:

* To share our hope and faith in Christ with everyone God puts in our lives,
listens to the radio, gets on the internet, or watches TV.
Using the airwaves to share the message of Christ
People are using their talents to write and record for radio.

Franklin Gomez, writes, produces, and broadcasts
programs from his home studio.

Franklin and Sorabel
Franklin's family shares their faith

Motino family produce Advice for Life
They were sharing our programs at a
Health Fair sponsored by Spanish churches of Christ
in South Florida 

Mario and Iliana Motino write and produce
inspirational messages that encourage the 
listener to face their daily challenges from 
                  a Christian perspective.

Santos Feliz Ruiz writes his scripts in his office/kitchen.

Santos' family shares his faith in Christ!

Radio • Good News • Television
Christ’s Message Meeting the Masses

 Weekly Broadcasting on TV and Radio

TV Broadcast on the air each week on the following network:

Dish Network: Alma vision reaching all 50 of the United States

Mondays 9:00 PM EST.

Radio Broadcast La Voz Alegre (The Happy Voice) 
is broadcasting weekly on:

Trans World Radio 800 AM reaching Cuba, Dominican Republic 
and Puerto Rico, Sundays 8:00-9:00 PM ET

Sponsored By:
Click on logo to visit: 

WINB 13450 kHz shortwave is reaching
 all of Latin America, Monday night at
 6:00-7:00 PM EST 

**Streaming On-line:

WWCR shortwave 6.875 MHz is reaching Cuba and Latin America 

from Nashville, TN, Wednesday afternoon 5:00-6:00 PM EST

World Christian Broadcasting, preparing to begin broadcasting

La Voz Alegre 

      "Come follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you
                     fishers of men."        -Mark 1:17

Our dream is to make the saving message of Jesus available to all who seek Him. We are working to accomplish this through the use of the media and partnerships with local churches of Christ and their ministries.