Reaching out to the Latin American World
Positive Response to
the Gospel via the Media
What does that have
to do with a man and a bike?
Meeting Vladimir SedeƱo Diaz for the first time in Cuba was
an exciting moment.
He introduced himself to me and said, “I am one of the first
listeners of the
radio program and I have brought 10 more people to the
truth. I feel
responsible to encourage everyone in Camaguey to listen to
the programs.”
Vladimir meeting Rex |
Vladamir continued with a request, “Please, I need $150.00
for a bicycle, I was
disabled while in the military, but with a bicycle I could
encourage people all
over the Camaguey Province to tune-in to the programs on
Trans World Radio.”
Within a week of my return to the USA, I received an email
and this picture from
Vladimir and his new bicycle ready to spread the good news |
Thank you Matthew Moore and our brothers from the Mayfair
Church of Christ, who
donated the funds needed.
Meet Another Radio Listener
Elizabeth Delmonte Moliner
meets in her home every Sunday night with five
ladies and tunes-in to La Voz Alegre. She said, “I know that this is a
preacher's conference, but I had to meet you. Thank you for your program.”
She lives in Matanzas, Cuba.
She had a couple of requests. First a Bible with
large letters, which someone gave her while we were still in
Cuba. The other
request is a battery charger with AA rechargeable batteries,
for her radio, so
that she can continue to listen to our radio programs each week.
May: National Preachers and Leaders Meeting
Prayers and Bible courses are requested daily through our television and radio
broadcasts across the USA. Just this week, calls came in
from Miami, Homestead,
Hialeah, and Tallahassee, Florida. Also this week requests came in from Nevada,
New Mexico, California, North Carolina, Pennsylvania,
Washington D.C.,
All of these requests for Bible courses are placed into the
hands of World Bible
School for immediate follow-up with Spanish-speaking WBS
teachers. Next, local churches and ministers receive the information to follow-up
on people who live in their areas. Please pray for our listeners and viewers in 20 countries including all 50 of our States.
Radio Talent and Volunteers:
Please pray for all of the people who are sending us radio
messages that become
a part of our radio hour La Voz Alegre/ The Happy Voice
This radio talent includes: writers, translators, speakers, music producers,
Luz Abril translates
True Stories of the Bible Series
This radio talent includes: writers, translators, speakers, music producers,
technicians and many more.
Their spirit of unity and desire to reach the world
for Christ is greatly encouraged by your thoughts and
Mondays 9:00 PM EST
La Familia Cosmovision with 560 channels in the USA,
Thursdays 9:30 PM PT
Mega TV 22 reaching all of South Florida,
Friday 12:00 Midnight EST
Radio Broadcast La Voz Alegre (The Happy Voice) is broadcasting weekly on:
Trans World Radio 800 AM reaching Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, Sundays 8:00-9:00 PM ET
WINB shortwave is reaching all of Latin America, Monday night at 6:00-7:00 PM EST Streaming On-line:
WWCR shortwave is 6.875 MHz is reaching Cuba and Latin America from Nashville, TN,
Wednesday afternoon 5:00-6:00 PM EST
World Christian Broadcasting, preparing begin broadcasting
La Voz Alegre daily in 2012.
Dish Network: Alma Vision reaching all 50 of the United States
La Familia Cosmovision with 560 channels in the USA,
Thursdays 9:30 PM PT
Mega TV 22 reaching all of South Florida,
Friday 12:00 Midnight EST
Radio Broadcast La Voz Alegre (The Happy Voice) is broadcasting weekly on:
Trans World Radio 800 AM reaching Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, Sundays 8:00-9:00 PM ET
WINB shortwave is reaching all of Latin America, Monday night at 6:00-7:00 PM EST Streaming On-line:
WWCR shortwave is 6.875 MHz is reaching Cuba and Latin America from Nashville, TN,
Wednesday afternoon 5:00-6:00 PM EST
La Voz Alegre daily in 2012.
"No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it
under a bed. Instead, he
puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the
Luke 8:16