Thursday, October 8, 2009
Have you thought about how to win an audience of unbelievers? Having been involved in directing some 25 Vacation Bible School over the years, I know there were certain elements that would attract non-members into our audience. We had to offer something that they needed. It was also a must to have good entertainment value to hold their attention. We served up great dramas, lessons, the cookies, punch, and even prizes. Over the years many came and received exactly what they desired. But, they also left with the message of Jesus on their hearts resulting in many conversions.
As we look to building an audience for our radio programming in Latin America I can’t help but ask the following question: What will Latin Americans tune-in to? I also ask” What did Jesus do to gather an audience?
Latin Americans are like people everywhere. They want good advice in several areas of life and good entertainment. While our main objective is to teach the audience about Jesus and his saving message, we must gain and maintain our audience to do so. Jesus gathered his audience several times by meeting the physical and emotional needs of the people he met along the way. While he healed, fed, and even wept with his audience he spoke to their hearts by using illustrations with family, health, finance, agriculture, and many other things that his audience could understand.
With this in mind, our basic radio format for Latin America is taking shape. Those who study and practice missions they understand the holistic method that addresses the physical, emotional and spiritual needs that people have. Our format will be a holistic media missions approach. To reach the unbeliever looking for something good on the radio our one hour daily broadcast for World Christian Broadcasting will have the appearance of commercial radio. It will include several short segments that will give good advice in the following areas: Family, Health, Financial Matters, Agriculture, Youth Matters, Senior Issues, and more. There will even be some popular music with good messages. While the listener has tuned in for the above mentioned advice and entertainment, impactful spiritual messages will be woven between all of the advice and music the unbelieving listener was looking for. While we are meeting the needs of people seeking answers for their daily lives we pray that they will also request a free Bible course that will lead them to study God’s word and become Christians. I am grateful that we have the example of Jesus, who gave all he had to give, that he might save some.
With the above in mind, you may have an idea of, “What’s Going On?” We have been busy gathering the radio talent, scripts, and recordings that will make this type of radio broadcasting possible. Remember that while VBS is fun and games for some, it has been eternal salvation for others. I know that you will be praying for an audience that will tune-in, learn life lessons, and come to know Jesus. With, “Prayer Going On” the power of God will prepare the audience to receive His message.
Are you an expert in one of the fields mentioned above? Do you have information that would bless the lives of people in their daily lives? Can you put that information into several short attention getting scripts? Are you good at working with technology? How about translating into Spanish or Portuguese? What ever your expertise or talent, feel free to step up and work with us! Just give Rex Morgan a call: 954-309-2949
Our dream is to make the saving message of Jesus available to all who seek Him. We are working to accomplish this through the use of the media and partnerships with local churches of Christ and their ministries.