Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Christian Productions International is pleased to function as the conduit that has placed radio programs from Herald of Truth, World Radio and our own program “With the Open Bible” on the air. These programs fill up 40 minutes a day, 5 days a week. In this partnership to spread the gospel in Cuba Tony Fernandez heads up the follow-up of our radio contacts. The following words are portions of an email he recently sent concerning the results of the radio programs:
Up to now in 2007 there have been 151 people baptized in Versalles, Matanzas. This Sunday the number should increase since last night we studied with a group in the settlement of Limones. This Sunday, November 25, 2007, ten people should come to be baptized.
We have sent 689 Bible courses. This number hasn’t been larger because in September we ran out of courses. We are working with a printer in Havana to print them. To date in 2007 we have received 902 letters, for an average of 82 letters a month. In all the letters they mention in a general way the three programs of the church of Christ. Very few specify one in particular.
We are also working in Cárdenas with a group of seven baptized radio listeners. In the house of one of them, Juan Miguel López, we are waiting on some construction repairs to finish on his home to initiate Sunday worship services, Lord willing, on December 2.
We have encouraged the brothers from the western center of the province to unite with us in opening new congregations. The brethren from the Jovellanos congregation (50 kilometers from Matanzas) have begun two new congregations in Coliseo and San Miguel de los Baños. The brothers from Colon (80 kilometers from Matanzas) are working to establish a congregation in the community of Calimete (100 km. from Matanzas) where we have baptized two people.
We ask that you pray for us that God will help us.
Greetings and blessings.
Tony Fernández
Our dream is to make the saving message of Jesus available to all who seek Him. We are working to accomplish this through the use of the media and partnerships with local churches of Christ and their ministries.