Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What's Going On? April 2013

Reaching out to the Latin American World
Praise God! Thousands gather in Barahona, Dominican Republic
Within the range of our listening audience in Barahona, Dominican Republic, a historical event took place, the 26th Annual National Brotherly Fellowship Conference. Around 5,000 people who were full of enthusiasm and brotherly love attended the annual conference.

Just a few months ago in Barahona, Santo Feliz Ruiz walked us into this empty arena and said with faith-filled eyes, “Pray that in February we will be able to fill this place up with people, and may the glory go to God."  Praise God for answered prayers!

This particular event also marks the 50th anniversary of the churches of Christ in the Dominican Republic.

Producing radio programs that will reach people where they live is an ongoing education. 
The 2013 National Religious Broadcasters, NRB, Convention in Nashville confirmed our belief that the most important thing to focus on is the quality of our content.
Then, how our content is delivered depends on the needs of our target audience:
- Radio
- Television
- Internet using computers, tablet, phones

Making our content (radio programs) available through the Internet, via our websites, now gives people the opportunity to hear and respond to the programs via their computers or smart phones.

​While preaching in Barahona, Dominican Republic last November I was amazed to learn that many people, who have never owned a computer, are now accessing the Internet for the first time using a smart phone.

This phenomenon was confirmed at the NRB convention for people and societies in many countries of the world. Skip the computer and begin using the Internet on a smart phone. With this information in mind we are developing our website to effectively
work on many platforms: the smart phone, tablets, and computers.

Pray for these initiatives to help us reach even more souls for Jesus.

Radio: Messages of Hope for La Voz Alegre Gracias, Santos Feliz Ruiz! Vida en Perspectiva, is written and recorded by our Christian brother in Barahona, DR.

From the expertise of a Gospel Preacher and a Clinical Psychologist, Santos has recently finished recording 328 radio spots on topics such as:

·      Growing While Experiencing Temptation
·      The Blessings of Life's Problems
·      Fulfilling God's Plan for Your Life
·      Changing Your Way of Thinking
·      Find a Support Group
·      Ask God for Help
·      Being Real with Your Goals
·      Being Transformed by Truth
·      Cultivate a Healthy Life




Dish Network: Alma Vision reaching all 50 of the United States
Mondays 9:00 PM EST

Radio Broadcast La Voz Alegre (The Happy Voice) is broadcasting weekly on:

Trans World Radio 800 AM reaching Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, Sundays 8:00-9:00 PM ET

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WINB shortwave is reaching all of Latin America, Monday night at 6:00-7:00 PM EST Streaming On-line:

WWCR shortwave is 6.875 MHz is reaching Cuba and Latin America from Nashville, TN,
Wednesday afternoon 5:00-6:00 PM EST

World Christian Broadcasting, preparing begin broadcasting
La Voz Alegre 

You were shown these things so that you might know that the Lord is God; beside him there is no other.  - Deuteronomy 4:35

Our dream is to make the saving message of Jesus available to all who seek Him. We are working to accomplish this through the use of the media and partnerships with local churches of Christ and their ministries.